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How To Pick The Best mobile patrol security guard

In a hurry to choose the best mobile security patrol but don’t know where to start? Here is a definitive guide to help you choose the best mobile patrol security guard!

Consider The Services Offered

It’s important to consider your company’s services before deciding which mobile patrol security guard service provider is best for your needs. Some companies offer free mobile security patrol training, while others may charge an additional fee. Be sure that any company offering these types of services has experience and training in this area, as well as ongoing education programs to keep them up-to-date with new technology trends and techniques used by law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Check Their Insurance Status 

Check the status of their insurance and then ask these questions:

  • What does your insurance cover?
  • How much does your insurance cost per month?
  • What services do you offer, and how long do they last?

Choose Experience Over Cost

The cost of your mobile patrol security guard will not always be the best quality indicator. A company that has been in business for a while and has an extensive background of experience will generally have better equipment, better-trained staff, and more knowledge about what they are doing than companies that are new to the industry.

Experience is not just about how long someone has been in business; it also depends on how well they know their job and what kind of training they received from other companies or individuals within their organization as well as outside sources such as security mobile patrol police academies or universities that offer courses related to security mobile patrol services.

Ask for Client Testimonials

Ask for client testimonials and case studies. You can ask clients to give you some feedback on your work by asking them to write a testimonial or include their experience in their case study. This will help you know if the company has been successful at what they do and why they continue using the services of a patrol guard company.

Licensing and Training

Licensing and training are extremely important if you want to stay clear of legal fiascos. The first step in finding the best mobile patrol security guard is to ensure that your company has a legitimate business license. This will ensure that you are operating legally and can do business in all states and Canada, where there may be different requirements for licensing than in the U.S. 

The second step is to ensure your guards have proper training before they start working with you daily. Ideally, every guard should undergo at least 40 hours of classroom instruction on topics such as:

  • Crime prevention tactics and procedures (e.g., how to prevent burglary)
  • Working with children (e.g., how to interact with kids during school events)
  • Handling emergencies (e.g., how best prepare yourself if someone breaks into your house or car)

On-Foot or Vehicle Patrols

On-foot patrols are most effective in areas with high pedestrian traffic. This is because the patrolling security guard can better observe and respond to potential crimes or disturbances before they happen by being able to see everything that’s going on around them. On-foot patrols are also more effective in areas with high vehicle traffic, as they can easily keep track of all vehicles that pass through the area and make sure that no one gets away with something without getting caught by their eyes.

On-foot security mobile patrols are not as effective when there is less crime around them (like during nighttime hours); however, they still do an excellent job at deterring crime since they’re always looking out for any suspicious activity going on near them! If you want someone who will never stop watching your property 24/7, then this might be perfect for you!

Recording and Reporting

Recording and Reporting are also essentials for businesses that need to have everything recorded and organized.

Recording incidents is an important part of the job. It helps you accurately document what occurred, who was involved, and how it happened. You should always record all incidents that occur in your presence, including:

  • Incidents involve suspicious behaviour (such as entering a building without permission) or activity that may be criminal (such as shoplifting).
  • Incidents where someone has been injured or killed by either themselves or another person’s negligence (e.g., driving under the influence).
  • Any other incident should be reported in writing immediately after it occurs. 

Reporting these incidents to the client is important because you receive valuable feedback. You may also want to add extra details about any suspected wrongdoing within their premises by reporting suspicious activity directly to local authorities instead of just contacting them through email/text messages only.”

Client and Officer Support 

Lastly, make sure that the company you are doing business with is easily approachable. See how you can:

  • Contact the company.
  • Contact the client services team.
  • Contact the officer on patrol.

Fully Branded Security Guards

Branding is important. A brand is a way to build trust, differentiate yourself from others, and show professionalism, credibility and expertise. It’s also a way of showing your company name on your uniform or vehicle.

Pick a mobile patrol security company with a good track record with client testimonials and case studies.

When you’re looking for a mobile patrol security company, you should consider the following:

A company with a good track record. As mentioned above, this is important in picking a mobile patrol service provider. Ensure that the firm has been operating for some time and can provide reliable services.

Make sure it has a good reputation among its clients. You should choose a company whose clients are satisfied with their services and have feedback from others who have used them before (or read testimonials). The better they are at providing quality security services, the more likely it will be that other people will use them too!

Bottom Line

So, these are just some of the tips for properly choosing your mobile patrol officers. If you have further questions or want to know more about our services, contact us now! 

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