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How often should a security officer do patrols?

Whether mobile or foot, patrol is a vital part of security services. Mobile patrol services in Los Angeles patrol every corner of the property to ensure they leave no place behind that lets offenders invade the premises and assets.

On-site patrolling offers numerous benefits, including deterring crime rates, keeping offenders away, securing valuable assets, and providing round-the-clock services during security outbreaks. Your job doesn’t end simply after hiring the security crew. Being an investor, you should pay attention to how frequently they patrol the premises.

Before highlighting the recommended frequency, the armed security San Jose should follow, let’s find out the purpose of security patrolling.

The Purpose of Security Patrolling

Whether you call security patrolling the practice of keeping offenders away or securing the property, the chief purpose is to keep the premise under security control.

Patrolling preparation begins with understanding the purpose of patrolling and site requirements. For example;

  • Is the security guard expected to keep offenders away?
  • Should the security guards assist customers who appear confused?
  • Are they supposed to watch the surroundings while maintaining the record closely?
  • Should the guards check the boilers, containers, and other equipment to ensure 100% functionality?
  • Should the security guards respond to emergencies like fire outbreaks and mass shootings?

The purpose of patrolling changes from one person to person even after every shift. For instance, the first shift security guard might ask to keep a close watch on the surroundings, while the second shift is to maintain the machinery and functionality of the tools.

En route to hiring patrol security guards, you should be sure about the needs of your property/business. Is your business facing a privacy invasion? Do the customers need 1:1 assistance? Do the tools need maintenance? You will succeed in hiring a professional once you are sure about your needs.

How Frequently Should The Guards Patrol?

The frequency of patrolling depends on various factors, including the property size, patrol requirement, type of patrol, and more. The main consideration is the geographical location and location requirement.

In this section, we have summarized the recommended frequency of security patrolling.

Mode of Patrol:

Most of the mobile patrol services Los Angeles patrol on foot, while others use watchtowers, CCTV surveillance cameras, or vehicles. Certain types of patrols take time compared to others.

For instance, it will take 1 hour to patrol a large property on foot, while 15-20 on a vehicle or tower. On foot, the security guard should perform a patrol after every 30 minutes. On the other hand, security guards using watchtowers, CCTV surveillance, or vehicles should conduct several patrols daily.

Type of Patrol:

Another consideration factor is the type of patrol. In a nutshell, the more detailed the patrol, the lengthier it will take. Suppose the security guard has to check the functionality of machinery and tools, with each round taking 2-3 hours. In this case, 2-3 patrols during one shift are enough.

On the other hand, the other security patrol guards assigned to keep a close watch on the surrounding should patrol after every 1 hour. It will help ensure the privacy invaders are away and the property is secure.

High-Risk Areas:

If your business is in a low-risk area with a fully staffed front office, the security guards San Diego might not need to pass through every hour. In contrast, the security guards might need to patrol every hour if the business is in a high-risk area with multiple access points, unattended doors, and stairwells that attract offenders.

The riskier the location, the more frequent should be the security patrolling. Buildings with numerous access points and large feet are termed Soft Targets in terms of security. If your property has multiple access points, ask the security guards to patrol every hour.

Know the Common Times for Typical Patrols:

Most business owners expect the apartment security services In California to patrol the premises every hour, and they should. Patrolling the premises every hour helps identify and address weak points and prevents the offenders from invading the property.

During rush hours, the guards should patrol the premises in groups. It helps ensure no weak point is left behind that can worsen the situation.

Hiring mobile patrol services Los Angeles adds a layer of protection for your business. Besides 100% protection and crime prevention, your heart stays at peace knowing you are protected. To sum up, every security guard should patrol the premises every 1 or 2 hours. However, he should patrol every hour if the business is in a high-risk area.

The best benefit of every-hour patrolling is crime prevention. Offenders never get a chance to invade the property since the guards are around the property every hour. Besides, they keep a close watch on the weak points to prevent security breaches.

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