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7 Criteria that are required to be a Security Guard 1

With the ever so changing environment of the world, the need and requirement for security guard services has increased drastically during the last two decades. With this increased demand the job opportunities are immense if you want to be a security guard as it can pay you a significant amount of money for living.

Today we will cover 7 criteria that you require to be a security guard. So let’s not waste any more time and get right into it.

1. Minimum age limit:18+

The basic and foremost requirement for being a security guard is your age. The required and permitted age to be a security guard starts from 18 years. However, some positions, such as agency associates, require that you be over the age of 21. Guards at facilities that sell alcohol may also wish to be over the age of 21.

2. A license and training are required.

If you’re planning to work for a company that provides security guards to other businesses, you’ll almost certainly require a license. Training and licensing are available. Unarmed guards must complete a min of 8 hrs of training. Unarmed guards must complete a min of 16 hrs additional training in order to complete armed guard certification.

Some criminal laws and arrest rules are covered in the course. These seminars also teach you how to be a first responder and how to keep a crime scene clean. If you’re the only authority on the scene when a crime occurs, you’ll need to know what to do until the cops arrive.

You’ll also learn about ethics, grooming, and clothing during your training. You will be trained with either a revolver or a semi-automatic gun if you take the extended course to become an armed guard.

3. A Clear Background is Required

The state will conduct a background check before issuing your license to confirm that you have no criminal history. Furthermore, most employers will conduct a second background check before hiring you. Typically, you can only work as a security guard if you have never been convicted of a felony or other major offence.

4. Previous Experience Can Assist

It is not necessary to have prior security guard experience to work as a security guard, but it may help you acquire a position. Former police officers frequently work in security. If you served in the military or held any other related positions, include that information on your resume to help you land a job.

5. Additional On-Site Training

You may need to do some site-specific training before taking a job in addition to the training you received to obtain your licence. Hospitals, schools, casinos, sports stadiums, hotels, and a variety of other establishments employ security guards. Each of these facilities is likely to have its own set of requirements in terms of training and demands.

6. Having the Right Personality Can Assist

The above-mentioned practical criteria aren’t the only ones that influence your future success as a security guard. It can help if you have the correct personality and natural abilities. Strong security personnel keep a close eye on the situation. They are frequently visual, detail-oriented individuals who can quickly assess a situation and determine if something is incorrect.

7. It's Crucial to Have Self-Belief

Successful security guards are self-assured and exude an appearance of authority. The mere presence of a security officer can dissuade crime in many circumstances, but only if the guard has the correct attitude.

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